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Conch Fritters


If you’ve ever cruised the Abacos, you probably have a similar collection of conch shells on board. Conch is a plentiful island treat that you don’t find in all places of the world. Markets in the islands are scarce, expensive and lightly provisioned so any opportunity to enjoy nature’s local bounty is welcome. Following is a recipe from our friend Anne who makes these frequently aboard Skookum.

Keep in mind that conch meat is tough so you’ll need to pound it. Any hammer will work!

Anne’s Conch Fritters

For a print-friendly recipe see below

Oil for frying
3/4 cup flour
1 egg
1/2 cup milk
1 cup chopped conch meat
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup chopped green pepper
cayenne pepper
salt and pepper to taste

Pound the conch meat to tenderize. Chop into small pieces. Mix flour, egg and milk.  Add conch and vegetables.

Frying on a rocking boat needs to be done very carefully. Best to use a deep pan, filled with only an inch or so of oil. And be sure your stove is swinging free on its gimbal. Drop spoonfuls of batter into the heated oil.

Fry until golden.

Best served at anchor with a cocktail, a sunset… and a Barefoot Man CD. 




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